We are pleased to be able to provide Relationship Development Intervention®.  Our RDI® therapists are RDI® Program Certified Consultants and received their training from Dr. Gutstein and Dr. Sheely, co-creators of the RDI® program.

Our RDI therapists continue to stay current with all aspects of the RDI® program through ongoing training, education, and re-certification.  We have presented extensively on RDI® for schools, autism and parent groups, as well as professional groups.

About RDI®

Relationship Development Intervention (RDI®), developed by Dr. Steven Gutstein and Dr. Rachelle Sheely, is a program for educating and coaching parents and adults who interact with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other similar disorders.

RDI® is specifically designed as a program for systematic, long-term remediation of the core deficits of autism, which impact an individual’s capacity to engage fully in relationships and develop competency in navigating the dynamic world.

Parents engaged in the RDI® Program overwhelmingly report significant improvement in quality of life for themselves and their children.  While family is central to the RDI® model, treatment success also depends upon the commitment of school staff and other professionals to implement RDI® principles of remediation.

Real-world competence for the child emerges from participating as an active but junior partner, an Apprentice, carefully guided by parents and other adults to master complex problems and settings, despite increasingly greater levels of uncertainty and unexpected change.  Guides help the child capture and stockpile critical memories that build an experiential repository of success in gradually more complex environments.  Parents are taught to re-think their daily lifestyle, structuring activities throughout the day to provide their child with safe but challenging opportunities for discovery.

Read More About RDI®

Connections Center Website


Getting to the Heart of the Child:

by Carmen Augustin, LCSW

The RDI® Book: Forging New Pathways for Autism, Asperger’s and PDD with the Relationship Intervention® Program.

by Steven E. Gutstein, Ph. D.